
Celebrations on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Diocese of Sourozh

The 55th anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Sourozh of the Russian Orthodox Church will be celebrated on December 18-19, 2017 at the Cathedral of the Dormition.

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60th Anniversary of Metropolitan Anthony's Episcopal Consecration

On 30th November, 1957, Archimandrite Anthony (Bloom) was consecrated in the London Cathedral as Bishop of Sergievo. This was the beginning of an episcopate that lasted nearly half a century and laid the foundation of the Diocese of Sourozh, which this year marks its 55th anniversary. In his acceptance speech, the future Metropolitan sketched the spiritual path that  had led him to monasticism, the priesthood and now the episcopal ministry.

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Joint Declaration by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

On 21 November 2017, a meeting between His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby took place in Moscow. As the result of the meeting, a joint declaration was signed. Its text is given below.

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The oldest parishioner of the London Cathedral reposes in the Lord

The Diocese of Sourozh of the Russian Orthodox Church reports with regret the death on November 9, 2017, in the 90th year of her life, of the oldest parishioner of the Dormition Cathedral in London, Alexander Ivanovna Smirnova. 
Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh expresses his condolences to all the relatives and friends of Alexandra Ivanovna and calls upon the faithful children of the Diocese of Sourozh to pray diligently for the repose of newly-departed handmaid of God, Alexandra. 
Eternal remembrance!
An interview with Alexandra Ivanovna was published in the May, June, July and August 2016 issues of 'Cathedral Newsletter' (now 'Sourozh Messenger').

Meeting of bishops and church leaders in London

On November 7, 2017, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh took part in a meeting of bishops and church leaders in London, which was held at the Allen Hall Catholic Seminary. 
The meeting was organised by the Rt. Revd John Wilson,  Vicar Bishop of the Archdiocese of Westminster of the Roman Catholic Church. 
The participants of the event had the opportunity to communicate and discuss issues relating to the Christian witness of church communities in the UK.


The celebration of the 10th anniversary of the rapprochement between the Moscow Patriarchate and the ROCOR

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 both Dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church in the UK will be marking the 10th anniversary of the rapprochement between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia which took place in 2007. 

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Presentation of the English edition of Patriarch Kirill's book, "The Mystery of Repentance"

On Sunday 24th September, 2017, following the Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral of the Diocese of Sourozh, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk will present the new English edition of the book by Patriarch Kirill, 'The Mystery of Repentance'.

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Visit of Metropolitan Hilarion to the Diocese of Sourozh

On Sunday 24th September, 2017, the feast day of the Venerable Silouan the Athonite, the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Diocese of Sourozh will be headed by His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Head of the Department of External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate and a permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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Message of His Holiness KIRILL, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Archpastors, pastors, deacons, monastics and all faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Local Council of 1917-1918

Most Reverend Archpastors, honourable presbyters and deacons, pious monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters!

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the work of the Local Council of 1917-1918, which became a most important landmark in the history of Russian Orthodoxy.

Notwithstanding the past century that separates us from the events of that era, the significance of the Local Council of 1917-1918 has not yet been fully understood and appreciated by church people. I am deeply convinced that its legacy requires serious and thoughtful examination and that many of the ideas that were expressed then would prove to be useful and necessary today.

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Liturgical texts for the Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Opening of the 1917-1918 Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, and in accordance with the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, on August 28, on the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, a moleben will be celebrated in all parishes of the Russian Church in honor of the glorified members of the 1917-1918 Local Council, the opening of which took place in 1917 on the feast of the Dormition, and a panikhida for all other participants in the Council.  English translations of the relevant liturgical tetxs are presented here.

Special Petitions at the Moleben on 28th August, 2017 to the Fathers of the 1917-1918 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church   (MS Word doc)

Special Petitions at the Panikhida on 28th August, 2017 for the members of the 1917-1918 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church  (MS Word doc)

Troparion, Kontakion & Magnifications for the fathers of the 1917-1918 Council (5th/18th November)  (MS Word doc)



Patriarchal Congratulations to Archbishop Elisey on his 55th Birthday

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh on the occasion of his 55th birthday.

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Congratulations from the Head of the Department of External Church Relations to Archbishop Elisey on his Birthday

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Head of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, sent a message of congratulations to Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh on the occasion of his birthday.

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Patronal Feast of St Elizabeth in East Sussex

On 15 July we celebrated our Patronal Feast of st. Elizabeth. This year, due to the extensive works that currently take place at Rocks Farm, the Feast was held in the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Hastings. Archbishop Elisey celebrated the Divine Liturgy together with Fr Stephen Platt and Fr Dobromir Dmitrov. We are very grateful to Fr Ierotheos Georgiou, the rector, for his warm welcome, and to His Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain for giving his blessing for the liturgy to be celebrated.


Symposium dedicated to the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Romanov

Report of the Symposium held at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park by the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Society on 20th June 2017

The first Symposium held by the Society took place at the magnificent 17th century house called Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park. The weather on the day matched the setting.

The programme of the Symposium was chosen to coincide with the centenary of the tragic events of 1917-1918: the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II, the two Russian revolutions and the martyrdoms of the Imperial Family and the Grand Duchess Elizabeth. It was entitled “The Last Romanovs: Archival and Museum Discoveries in Great Britain and Russia”.
Five distinguished experts were invited from Russia and the same number from Britain. A total of forty persons were in attendance.
We were particularly honoured by the presence of Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, head of the Russian Orthodox Church in this country, who blessed and opened the proceedings, Metropolitan Kallistos of the Greek Orthodox Church and Mr Konstantin Shlykov, who represented the Ambassador of the Russian Federation.

The first two speakers of the day dealt with two different Russian Imperial coronations, those of 1896 and 1856.
Professor Inessa Slyunkova, former Head Architect of the Kremlin Museums and author of a number of substantial studies of Royal palaces and residences was unfortunately not able to be present on the day, due to visa problems, but she communicated with us via skype. Her subject was the “Decoration of the Kremlin as sacral space for the last coronation of 1896”. We were able to examine her lavishly illustrated book on the same theme which she had already sent us.
She was followed by Mr Stephen Patterson, Head of Collections Information Management, Royal Collection Trust,who gave an illustrated talk on “Rare photographs of the Romanov's Russia during the time of the Coronation, 1856”.

The next three speakers were concerned with the Romanovs and the Windsors. Stephen Patterson, replacing a colleague who was unable to attend at the last minute, gave us a fascinating preview of the major exhibition of Russian art and photographs which will be opened at the Queen's Gallery in 2018. We are very grateful to him for this.
Mr Michael Hunter, the Curator of Osborne House, spoke on “Romanovs at Osborne House: Visits and objects” and showed us some very interesting photographs.
Ms Coryne Hall, researcher and author of a wonderful biography of the Empress Maria Feodorovna, then spoke on the “Rescue of the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna from the Crimea” with many revealing quotes from diplomatic letters, including those from King George V. 

The afternoon session began with a talk from Nikolai Misko, Researcher at the State Historical Museum, Moscow, on the collection held at that museum which was formerly (until 1947) at the Tsar Nicholas II Museum in Belgrade, founded by prominent members of the Russian emigration in Yugoslavia and elsewhere. 
Charlotte Zeepvat, author of many works with royal themes, spoke next on the”Letters of Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg, in the National Archives of Romania in Bucharest”.
Dr Olga Kopylova, Head of Department of the State Archive of the Russian Federation delivered a remarkable talk, based on her exhaustive research in the Moscow Secret Police records, on the Grand Duchess Elizabeth's daily activities and journeys during the last eight years of her earthly life, when she was under constant police scrutiny for her own protection. It was entitled “2555 Days in the life of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna”.

The final session of the Symposium began with a paper, delivered via Skype, from Rev Father Andrei Posternak who is Dean of the History Department at St Tikhon's Orthodox University in Moscow. It was entitled “The Question of giving the title of Deaconesses to the sisters of the Martha and Mary Convent – discoveries in the St Petersburg Archives”. A lively debate resulted from his talk, in which Father Andrei took a strong line against any possible revival of the ancient order of deaconesses.
Dr Dimitry Grishin, specialist on the life of Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich, then spoke on the “Art Collections of Grand Duchess Elizabeth and Grand Duke Sergey: recent discoveries”, describing his work in tracing scattered art works and correcting wrong attributions.
The final paper was given by Rev Archpriest Stephen Platt, of the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies and a founder member of our Society, entitled “Father Nicholas Gibbes: teacher to the royal children and Orthodox monk. His Romanov collection and the issue of creating a Romanov Museum in Oxford”. This gave us a valuable picture of the present state of this long-running question. 
By way of conclusion Metropolitan Kallistos added some vivid personal recollections of Father Nicholas Gibbes and the Orthodox chapel he established in Oxford after the Second World War. We very much appreciated the Metropolitan's contribution to our event.
In the end the Chairman of the Society Maria Harwood expressed her special gratitude to those who made this Symposium possible by their prayers, generosity and support.


Panikhida at the grave of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

19 June - Birthday of Metropolitan ANTHONY of Sourozh.
On the eve of this day, on Sunday 18th June at 7.00 p.m. Panikhida will be held at the grave of Metropolitan Anthony at the Old Brompton Cemetery, Fulham Road, SW10 9UG.



Our prayers after the terrorist attack in Manchester

We are deeply sorrowful with all who suffered in Manchester and in other places where evil tried show its power. But it will never overcome because Christ has risen indeed. 


The Hawaii myrhh-streaming icon of the Mother of God comes to the Cathedral

On Saturday 20th May the wonderworking Hawaii myrhh-streaming icon of the Mother of God of Iveron came to the Dormition Cathedral in Knightsbridge.

It  inexplicably began to stream myrrh in the home of a pious Orthodox couple in Honolulu, Hawaii, on October 6th, 2007. This phenomenon was recognised as authentic and miraculous by the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

This image is famous for the healings of many pious people from cancer, blindness, diseases of the kidneys and liver, chronic illnesses and other infirmities. The icon is presently in the care of the Russian Orthodox Church in Honolulu, but it frequently travels around the world and grants healings.



Congratulations to Archbishop Anatoly on his Namesday

To His Eminence Archbishop Anatoly 

Your Eminence, dear Vladyka,

Christ is Risen!

With deep respect I greet you cordially on your namesday! May the Risen Lord, through the prayers of your heavenly patron, the holy martyr Anatoly, strengthen you with spiritual energy and paschal joy. Permit me also to convey sincere greetings and warm good wishes from the clergy of the Sourozh diocese and from your spiritual children in the British Isles.

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Paschal greeting of His Eminence Elisey of Sourozh


Timetable of Easter services

Timetable of services on
Great Saturday 15th April and
Pascha of Christ 16th April 2017

Great Saturday - 15th April

       9:00      Confession. 3 Hour. Typika. Divine Liturgy

      22:00    The Reading of the Acts of the Holy Apostles

      23:40    Midnight Service

 The Glorious Resurrection of Christ – 16th April

       00:00   Procession. Easter Matins and Divine Liturgy


     9:00       Easter Matins.

                   Late Divine Liturgy


     18:00          Easter Vespers. Greetings

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