« The Right Reverend Matthew, Bishop of Sourozh, took part in a reception at the Russian Embassy in Canada »

Father Dimitry spent many years serving to the Russian-speaking flock in Canada and played a significant role in the development of Russian-Canadian relations, which was noted in the speech of A.N. Darchiev, Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Canada.
Bishop Mathew of Sourozh warmly congratulated Archpriest Dimitry with the landmark event in his life and presented him with a memorable gift. In response, Father Dimitry thanked the leadership of the Russian Federation, employees of the Embassy in Canada and personally Mr. Ambassador for this honour. After the official part, a solemn reception took place in the building of the Russian Embassy, during which Father Dimitry was congratulated by numerous parishioners.
Bishop Mathew of Sourozh warmly congratulated Archpriest Dimitry with the landmark event in his life and presented him with a memorable gift. In response, Father Dimitry thanked the leadership of the Russian Federation, employees of the Embassy in Canada and personally Mr. Ambassador for this honour. After the official part, a solemn reception took place in the building of the Russian Embassy, during which Father Dimitry was congratulated by numerous parishioners.