
Primatial Visit of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Diocese of Sourozh

A Primatial visit of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Diocese of Sourozh will take place from 15th to 18th October 2016. The visit marks 300 years of the presence of the Russian Church in Great Britain.

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His Holiness Patriarch Kirill will make a pastoral visit to Britain

His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, will make a pastoral visit to the Diocese of Sourozh from 15th to 18th October, marking 300 years of the presence of Russian Orthodoxy in the British Isles. The history of the Russian parish in London and the Diocese of Sourozh begins with the embassy church founded on the orders of Tsar Peter the First in 1716.

The central event of the visit will be the Patriarchal service in the London Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

During the visit there will be several events dedicated to the ever-memorable Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom), who in the middle of the 20th century played an important role in the establishment of the Russian community in Britain and devoted a great deal of effort to the development of the Diocese of Sourozh, which was founded in 1962.

In the course of the visit there will also be a number of events of an ecclesiastical and social nature.

Press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia


With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, a pilgrimage to the Monastery of St John the Baptist will be organised on the 24th of September 2016, Saturday.

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The Tercentenary of Russian Orthodoxy in the British Isles

The patronal feast day of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Sourozh reminds that 300 years ago the first Russian church in the British Isles was dedicated to the Dormition of the Mother of God.


Diocesan Conference 2016


Pascha in London



Venerable pastors, dear brothers and sisters!

Pascha  truly opens the doors of  Paradise to us. These doors are not to be found in some far–off  imaginary place but close at hand - within the soul. Christ is risen and grants us His Divine Light, which enlightens every man that comes into the world. Let us open the doors of our souls, the hinges of which are lubricated with the oil of repentance. Let us marvel at this mysterious revelation, which is more valuable than any scientific discovery. Rejoicing in the revelation of the truth of the wonderful and life-giving action of God in us, we  exclaim from the depths of hearts:

Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! 

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Clergy pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain of Athos

In the sixth week of Great Lent, April 18-22, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh together with several priests of the diocese made a short pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain of Athos. The pilgrims stayed at the Monastery of St Panteleimon, now splendidly restored after years of decline, and prayed at the services with the brethren of the monastery. 

On Wednesday Vladyka and the accompanying clergy concelebrated the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, which was headed by Archbishop Theophylact of Piatigorsk and Cherkessk. Afterwards they visited the mill where St Silouan the Athonite performed his obedience for many years. 

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The Holy Synod blessed the adoption of a new parish of the Diocese of Sourozh

Journal No. 32


Message of his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill on dioceses and parishes abroad.


Diocese of Sourozh

Be part of the Sourozh diocese of the newly established parish of the Holy equal to the apostles Grand Duchess Olga in Peterborough, UK.


Registration open for Diocesan Conference

Registration is now open for the Annual Diocesan Conference on the theme, 'Our Vocation', which will take place on the weekend of June 10th-12th at the High Leigh Conference Centre in Hertfordshire.

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Pan-Orthodox Vespers was celebrated at the London Cathedral

PAN-ORTHODOX VESPERS was celebrated at our Cathedral on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 20th at 6.00 pm in the presence of Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain, Archbishop Silouan of the British Isles and Ireland, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, and other hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the Orthodox dioceses in the UK.

Many people came at have been welcomed at this annual celebration of our unity in the Orthodox Faith.


Cheesfare week - Maslenitsa in the Сhildren's school

Today in the parish school, the Cathedral hosted a celebration of Maslenitsa. After lessons, during their  games, children were visited by Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh and congratulated on the upcoming Great Lent. Children told how they understand the meaning of the fasting. On the question of the Bishop, how begins fast, the children did not hesitate to answer: Forgiveness! The Archbishop mentioned a good family atmosphere among the pupils, teachers and parents. Together, at the table with pancakes and cakes, they shared the joy of approaching the spiritual spring - the Great Lent.


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The rite of Enthronement of the Metropolitan of the Antiochian diocese

On Saturday 27 February at the Cathedral of St. George in London (Antiochian Patriarchate) was held the rite of Enthronement of Metropolitan Silouan of the British Isles and Ireland to his Cathedra.

The celebration was attended by five bishops of the Patriarchate of Antioch: Their Eminences Saba of Bosra, Al Horan and Jabal al Arab; Basilios of Akkar; Efraim, Patriarchal Vicar; Ignatios of France, Western and Southern Europe; Isaac of Germany and Central Europe; the Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain Gregorios, the Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh. The Anglican Church was represented by the Bishop Jonathan Goodal of Ebbsfleet. Archbishop Nichols of Westminster (The Roman Catholic Church) was represented by Bishop Paul Hendricks. The East Syrian Church was represented by its head in Great Britain, Metropolitan Athanasius.


Pilgrimage to Kent

A group of believers of the Diocese of Sourozh from the Diocesan Region of Southern England made a pilgrimage to the shrines of Kent in Minster and Canterbury.

The Pilgrimage started with a visit to the beautiful stone cross which marks the approximate site of of the landing of Saint Augustine at Ebbsfleet and his first meeting with the King of Kent, Ethelbert, in AD597. This date is the beginning of the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Orthodox Christianity.

We then travelled to Minster where a Roman Catholic community of nuns live on the site of the ancient convent of Saint Mildred. We venerated this saint's relics and Father Stephen Platt served the Liturgy in the sister's chapel. We were very moved by the kindness and hospitality of the nuns.

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Archbishop Elisey attends the Lord Mayor's Archbishops and Bishops Dinner

 On Thursday, Feb 17th, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh was a guest of the Lord Mayor y Mayoress of London, Lord and Lady Mountevans, at the Archbishops and Bishops dinner at Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor.

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Archbishop Elisey made an Archpastoral visit to Portsmouth

On Sunday 14th February Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy, dedicated to the Feast of the Presentation (Meeting) of the Lord at the Diocesan Parish of the Holy Apostles Ss Peter and Paul in Portsmouth.

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The persecution of Christians led to the meeting of Patriarch and Pope

Blatant persecution that Christians are in the middle East, led to the organization of the meeting between the primates of the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches that used this opportunity to speak up in their defense. Such opinion was voiced in conversation with the correspondent of TASS, the diocesan Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in Britain, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, speaking on held in Havana meeting between the Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis.




The day of memory of the Three Holy Hierarchs

On February 12, 2016, the day of the commemoration of Three Holy Hierarchs and Ecumenical teachers, St Basil the Great, St Gregory the Theologian and St John Chrysostom, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh served the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God in London. Concelebrating with the Archpastor were clerics of the Cathedral, Archpriest Maxim Nikolsky and Archpriest Joseph Skinner.

During the Liturgy, the Litany of Fervent Supplication was augmented with special petitions for His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, who had a meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis at the International airport of Havana, Cuba, on that day.

On the eve, a particle of the holy relics of the Apostle Barnabas of the 70 was brought to the Cathedral. Apostle Barnabas was Apostle Paul's companion and the founder of the Church of Cyprus. With the blessing of Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, the All-night vigil to the Apostle was combined with the service to the Three Holy Hierarchs.

Throughout the day the faithful were granted an opportunity to venerate the relics and offer up their prayers near the honourable relics of the Аpostle.





Archbishop Elisey met with the Bishop of London

On Thursday, February 11th, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, the Diocesan Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britan and Ireland, had a meeting with the Bishop of London, the Right Reverend and Right Honourable Richard Chartres, at the latter's official residence in Dean's Court near St Paul's Cathedral. 
Among the subjects discussed was the forthcoming meeting between His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus and His Holiness, Pope Francis. Bishop Richard expressed his appreciation of the historic significance of this meeting, which was due to address an issue of great importance, the increasing persecution of Christians in many countries around the world. In his view, this was a matter of urgent concern not only for the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches but for Christians of all traditions.
Noting the Russian Church's own experience of martyrdom in the 20th century, His Grace assured Vladyka Elisey that prayers for a successful outcome of the meeting would be offered at the service that he would be conducting in St Paul's Cathedral on the day  on which it was due to take place.