« The first meeting of the Administrative Council of the Diocese of Sourozh »

The Council consists of the heads of all diocesan departments. The agenda included matters of common interest to all the diocesan deapartments. The discussion included the direction of social work, including the pastoral care of prisoners in London and the the rest of the United Kingdom outside the capital.
In the department of religious education and youth work a university chaplaincy service was created, designed to interact with universities and their chaplains in the British Isles and coordinate the work of chaplains in the Diocese of Sourozh within these universities. Responsibility for the activities of the university chaplaincy service was assigned to the Fr Stephen Platt.
The meeting also discussed general guidelines for the representation of the Orthodox Church in the British press, principles for the organization of missionary activity, the possibilities for pilgrimages to holy places in the UK, together with other matters.
The Administrative Council of the Diocesan Administration will meet at least twice a year, in advance of the meeting of the Diocesan Assembly.
In the department of religious education and youth work a university chaplaincy service was created, designed to interact with universities and their chaplains in the British Isles and coordinate the work of chaplains in the Diocese of Sourozh within these universities. Responsibility for the activities of the university chaplaincy service was assigned to the Fr Stephen Platt.
The meeting also discussed general guidelines for the representation of the Orthodox Church in the British press, principles for the organization of missionary activity, the possibilities for pilgrimages to holy places in the UK, together with other matters.
The Administrative Council of the Diocesan Administration will meet at least twice a year, in advance of the meeting of the Diocesan Assembly.