« The Annual Conference of the Diocese of Sourozh took place near High Wycombe »

Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh presided over the annual conference of the Diocese of Sourozh, which took place from 3rd to 5th June, 2011, at the Wycliffe Centre (near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire). This year's theme was "Living the Liturgy.
Approximately 130 people, from octagenarians to infants, took part in the conference, mainly clergy and laity of our Diocese.
The tradition of holding an annual diocesan conference originated in 1975 and is a unique legacy of Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom), the founder of the diocese. It is therefore appropriate that the meeting opened with a talk on the spiritual legacy of the ever-memorable hierarch. Archpriest Benedict Ramsden presented a talk on ‘The divine services in the thought of Metropolitan Anthony’, in which reflection on the spiritual experience of Metropolitan Anthony was combined with living examples drawn from the speaker’s many years of personal contact with him.
The Christian liturgical life, especially the practice of confession and Communion, was analysed in the next talk, given on Saturday morning by Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh. In his talk, he touched on various aspects of the nature of repentance as well as questions connected with the practice of confession and other ways of preparing for Communion. Vladyka Elisey’s talk generated much interest and lively discussion among the participants of the conference.
This was followed by a talk on ‘The Meaning of Liturgical Tradition’ by Archpriest Maxim Mitrofanov, one of the clergy of our Cathedral in London. Fr Maxim spoke about the role of beauty in Orthodox services, of their realism, leading to the conception that the life of the Church is the continuation in history of the life of Jesus Christ. The talk touched on a number of questions, such as the meaning of ritual in liturgical tradition, the cosmic nature of the mysteries (sacraments) and other liturgical actions of the Church. The role of the divine services in the unity of the Church was also discussed.
On Sunday Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia, (former Spalding Lecturer in Eastern Orthodox Studies in the University of Oxford) gave a talk entitled ‘Heaven on Earth: The Inner Meaning of the Divine Liturgy’. In his talk, this well-known theologian spoke about the inner, spiritual state of the Christian who participates in the service and the Holy Mysteries. Vladyka also spoke about his own spiritual path and the feelings evoked by his first encounter with Orthodoxy.
On Saturday afternoon Nick Mayhew-Smith presented his book ‘Britain's Holiest Places’, the fruit of several years of research and travel in Great Britain. This book is a unique guide to the places linked to the Christian history of the country.
As well as the main talks the conference timetable included a number of workshops: ‘Social service: Care of sick and elderly by parishes’ (Svetlana Vinogradova); ‘Education of children in parishes’ (Elena Poplavska); ‘Pilgrimages to holy places in Britain’ (Nick Mayhew-Smith); ‘Practical adaptation of the Typikon in small parishes’ (Archpriest Gennady Andreev), and ‘Choir seminar and rehearsal’ (Evgeny Tugarinov).
On 5th June, the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia and Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh concelebrated the Divine Liturgy, together with clergy of the Diocese of Sourozh. At the Small Entrance Archbishop Elisey elevated Priest Philip Steer to the rank of Archpriest. At the end of the Liturgy a Lity was served for Metropolitan Anthony.
The three-day conference ended with a performance by the children and teenagers.
Material from the conference will shortly be available on this site, on the ‘Diocesan Conference’ page.