« Meeting of the Diocesan Council »

On June 8th a meeting of the DIocesan Council was held at the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God, under the chairmanship of Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh. The members of the council heard Archbishop Elisey's report on the present situation in the diocese.
The council discussed a number of major events in the life of the diocese: the presentation of the book of His Holiness the Patriarch, "Freedom and Responsibility" at the London Book Fair, the first celebration of Slavic culture and literature, which had taken place in early June and the diocesan conference. In addition the council considered questions of the granting of awards to clergy and the new designation of parishes.Givinf thanks to the Lord, the Council members noted the important fact of the founding of a new parish in Leeds in honour of St Xenia of St. Petersburg.
The Council members approved the decision to establish a diocesan court at the Diocesan Assembly to be held on June 18, and considered some of the nominees for membership of the Court.
An important topic of discussion was the preparation for the celebration next year of the fiftieth anniversary of the Diocese of Sourozh.
The Council discussed the agenda for the Diocesan Assembly, together with some disciplinary matters, and put forward proposals to improve pastoral work with the sick and elderly who are residential care. they also considered issues related to the theological education of the clergy.
The next meeting of the Diocesan Council will be held on September 7th.