« On the feast of St Nicholas, Archbishop Elisey presided at the Divine Liturgy »

On the feast of St Nicholas, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh presided at the Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London. Archbishop Anatoly of Kerch and all the clergy of the Cathedral concelebrated with the Archbishop and many parishioners were present at the Liturgy. Parents made a special effort to bring in their children to church to pray to St Nicholas, from whom they are sincerely hoping to receive gifts in these pre-Christmas days.
In his homily, Archbishop Elisey drew attention to the fact that the life of St Nicholas is a model of charity and philanthropy. "The example of St Nicholas shows us that we should not expect anything in return when we offer help. True charity is a living gift of love to those in need, even those who do not ask for help... The spiritual aspect of life lies in the fact that when we do good deeds we become like God, who made all things good."
After the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Elisey visited children treated at a medical center for cancer patients. In order for the children to be treated in London, they have been offered financial support by many good people here, including faithful of the Diocese of Sourozh. Archbishop Elisey gave the children Holy Communion and afterwards presented them with gifts from parishioners.
With the blessing of Archbishop Elisey in the future the feast of St Nicholas will be kept throughout the diocese as a special celebration of Christian charity, especially for children in need.