« Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Parish of St Nicholas in Reykjavik »

On December 17, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh presided at celebrations marking the tenth anniversary of St Nicholas Stavropegic parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Archbishop Elisey presided at a festal Divine Liturgy in the Lutheran Cathedral of Domkirke in the presence of the Orthodox believers of Iceland, assisted by the parish priest, Father Timothy Zolotusky and a clergyman of the Sourozh Diocese, Protodeacon Dmitry Nedostupenko. In his words of greeting at the end of the liturgy, Archbishop Elisey noted the importance held by the parish of St Nikolas in public life in Iceland. As the only Orthodox priest resident in Iceland, the rector together with the parishioners represent not only the Russian Church but the whole of Orthodoxy, drawing into one community all those who seek refuge in the Orthodox Church.
After the Liturgy the Russian Ambassador to Iceland, Andrey Tsyganov, hosted a reception at the Russian Embassy in honor of the 10th anniversary of the parish, and invited the Archbishop Elisey and Fr Timothy to dinner at his residence.
Archbishop Elisey visited the place where a foundation stone has been laid for the future construction of an Orthodox church in Reykjavik, and also the temporary house church, where the community presently meets for regular services and where the priest meets with parishioners.