
« A moleben was served at the Dormition Cathedral in London before the start of the new academic year »

On September 14, 2024, on the day of the beginning of the indiction - the church new year, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, after the Divine Liturgy, a "Moleben at the beginning of the teaching of the youths" was held at the Dormition Cathedral in London.
The service was conducted by Priest Nikita Kozlov, assisted by Protodeacon Vadim Santsevitch.
At the end of the moleben, Father Nikita, addressing the teachers, students and parents with a parting word, wished everyone God's help in the coming new academic year, gave a blessing and sprinkled those present with holy water.
Then the students of the parish school at the Dormition Cathedral and their parents went to the classrooms, where they held open lessons dedicated to the beginning of the school year.

The tradition of holding a moleben before the start of the education of youths is quite ancient. Previously, it was held before the beginning of the study of the Law of God or the Holy Scripture, and over time, the date was moved to September 1 (in the UK, classes begin later), when students return to schools, colleges, higher and other educational institutions after the holidays.
A moleben at the beginning of the school year is a special rite in which the worshipers ask for God's help and blessing in comprehending good and soul-beneficial teaching, for the sending down of the spirit of wisdom and reason upon the youths, and to enlighten their hearts to the successful knowledge of the useful teachings taught to them. On this day, they pray not only for the students, but also for their teachers.