
« On the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London »

On September 1, 2024, on the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, the afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London.
His Grace was assisted by Archpriest Maxim Nikolsky, Dean of the Diocesan District of South East England Archpriest Vitaly Polishchuk, Secretary of the Sourozh Diocese Archpriest Dimitry Nedostupenko, Priest Vasily Gandzyuk, Protodeacon Vadim Santsevitch and Protodeacon Ioan Sîlnic.
The liturgical chants were performed by the choir of the Dormition Cathedral under the direction of Dmitry Tugarinov.
Before the beginning of the Liturgy, a reliquary with great Christian relics (a particle of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, the belt of the Most Holy Mother of God and particles of the holy relics of the chosen saints of God) was brought out from the altar to the center of the church.
On the first Sunday of September (the first Sunday after August 18, old style), by decision of the Holy Synod of July 13, 2015 (Journal No. 41), an annual day of special prayer for God's creation was established. During the litany of fervent supplication, special petitions were offered for the preservation of God's creation. After the litany, Archpriest Dimitry Nedostupenko proclaimed a prayer from the Order of moleben for the Preservation of God's Creation.
After the prayer after the communion, Bishop Matthew and the concelebrating clergy performed the glorification of the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God.
In conclusion, the Archpastor addressed those present with words of sermon and spiritual edification. Simultaneous translation into English was provided by Protodeacon Vadim Santsevitch.
Bishop Matthew warmly congratulated Subdeacon Nikita Mishin, who recently celebrated his birthday, and Andrei Bardakov, Treasurer of the Diocese of Sourozh and the Dormition Cathedral in London, who is celebrating his name day and birthday on this day, and presented them with bouquets of flowers and holy prosphoras.