« Congratulations on the Name's Day to Bishop Matthew of Sourozh »

Our dear Archpastor and gracious father!
With sincere filial love, on behalf of the fullness of the clergy and laity of the Sourozh diocese, we cordially greet you on your Name Day!
Eight years ago, you took on the angelic image of monastic life and, like your heavenly patron, the holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, who, having heard the call of Christ: “follow Me,” you followed Him (Matthew 9:9).
Soon the Lord called you to the most important church service - hierarchical ministry.
And today, showing fatherly care for the flock entrusted to you in the British Isles, in the Republic of Ireland, in North America ( the USA and Canada), maintaining unity and peace in these difficult times, you carry out archpastoral service in the image of Christ, Who “did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28), so that “all people would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (Tim. 2:4).
For us, you are a good example of a true worker of the Vineyard of Christ, who lit an unquenchable fire of faith in your heart, warming a huge number of faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Old and New Worlds.
On this significant day, we collectively pray that the Lord Jesus Christ bless you with good health, spiritual strength, and all-generous mercy in your arduous apostolic service to the Holy Mother Church.
May God bless Your Grace for many years to come!
Asking for your Archpastoral prayers,
clergy, monastics and laity of the Diocese of Sourozh