
« A pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Cedd in Lastingham, Yorkshire »

With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, on November 6, 2021, a pilgrimage took place in Lastingham, Yorkshire, to the tomb of St. Cedd of Lastingham, Bishop of Wessex (+26 October / 8 November 664).
In the small picturesque English village of Lastingham, located in the south part of North York Moors National Park in North Yorkshire, 40 minutes from the city of York, there is the majestic Church of the Most Holy Mother of God.  The church was built on the site of a monastery founded by St. Сedd in 654.  Subsequently, the church was rebuilt, however, the crypt located under the church retained its original appearance and is the tomb of the founder of the monastery - St.  Сedd of Lastingham (+664).
Upon arrival in Lastingham, the pilgrims took part in the Divine Liturgy, which was celebrated by the Rector of the parishe of St. Blessed  Xenia of St. Petersburg in Leeds and of the parish of Meeting of the Lord in Bradford, priest Anatoly Vihrov, assisted by priest Victor Akhryapin, cleric of St. George Church in Newcastle.
After the service, a cross procession and a moleben took place at the tomb of St. Сedd.
Liturgical chants were sung by the singer of the Intercession Church in Manchester, Lyudmila Sivori.
After the divine service, Father Anatoly addressed pilgrims present in the church with words of spiritual edification and expressed special gratitude to the organizers and participants of the pilgrimage.
On behalf of the pilgrims, Father Anatoly thanked the Dean of North Rydale district of the Church of England, the Revd Gareth Atha, who temporarily cares for the parish of the Most Holy Mother of God in Lastingham, for the kindly given permission to celebrate the Liturgy in the church, a warm and friendly welcome, and presented him an icon of the Synaxis of British and Irish Saints as a gift.
At the end of the pilgrimage, a common meal was held.