
« Archpastoral visit of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh to the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada »

On October 21, 2021, after terminating the necessary quarantine prescribed by the Government of Canada, as part of measures to combat coronavirus infection, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, temporary Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the United States and Canada, arrived in Edmonton, Alberta.
The archpastoral visit to the Patriarchal parishes in Canada began with a visit to the Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara.In the church, His Grace was met by priest Igor Kisil, Dean of the Patriarchal parishes in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Rector of the Cathedral , and churchwarden Roman Lopushinsky.
Vladyka Matthew offered thanksgiving prayers in front of the iсon of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara and part of her holy relics, venerated the shrines of the Cathedral and examined the church. 
Next, Vladyka had a conversation with Father Igor and R. Lopushinsky, where they discussed current issues of the church parish life in the face of restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.
During the trip, the Right Reverend Archpastor is accompanied by his personal secretary N.V. Trubnikov.