« Rules for visiting the Dormition Cathedral for individual prayer »

Dear brothers and sisters!
According to the UK Government quarantine measures to combat the epidemic of coronavirus, the following rules must be taken into account when visiting the Dormition Cathedral for individual prayer:
- The Cathedral is open for visits and individual prayers on Sundays from 12:00 to 18:00 hours;
- According to state regulations, parishioners who can visit the church are those without symptoms of coronavirus, not older than 70 years old, without chronic diseases, not at a risk group;
- Communication in the church without observing a 2 meters distance is not allowed, except for members of the same family;
- You must only be in the Cathedral wearing a protective mask;
- Due to the inability to provide necessary conditions for the safety of children under 7 years old, visiting the Cathedral with children is temporarily not recommended. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children in the church;
- No more than 18 people at the same time can be allowed in the Cathedral;
- While in the Cathedral, it is necessary to stand only on special markings, observing the mandatory safe 2 meters distance from each other;
- You should bring with you notes with names for the living and the departed (up to 10 names on one note). All names will be remembered at the nearest Liturgy, which is celebrated by the clergy of the Cathedral, who are not at risk, without participation of parishioners;
- While in the Cathedral, you can ask volunteers to put candles in front of icons for yourself and for your loved ones, you will be able to get holy water and prosphoras;
- Cathedral book shop’s employees are on quarantine vacation; the shop is temporarily closed;
- According to sanitary regulations, the toilets in the Cathedral are closed;
- The broadcast of Saturday, Sunday and festive services from our Cathedral will continue on the Facebook page - Life of Sourozh.
If you have signs of coronavirus infection, or if you are at a risk group (more than 70 years old, or with a chronic illness), please stay home!
We ask all of you to show patience and understanding in the hope that all temporary measures will soon become unnecessary and we will be able to return to the usual format of our services.