
« CHRISTMAS MESSAGE of Metropolitan ANTONY of Korsun and Western Europe, Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe »

CHRISTMAS MESSAGE of Metropolitan ANTONY of Korsun and Western Europe, Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe to the Archpastors, Pastors, Monastics and Laity of the Western European Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Dearly beloved in the Lord, Most Reverend Archpastors, honourable presbyters and deacons, beloved of God monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters!

Today again and again we hymn the supremely important event in the history of the cosmos, that which was foretold by the prophets and expected by generations of righteous people - the birth of Our Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Together with the angelic ranks we glorify the Christ child who lies in the manger in Bethlehem -  ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men! (Lk. 2, 14).

In amazement at this mystery beyond all speech and explanation, we are recalling in these holy days how the Master of all, bowing the heavens, of His own will becomes incarnate ‘for us men and for our salvation’ (Creed) and humbly begins His saving and Cross-bearing path upon the earth. 

Now the time of universal joy has come round again! Again the star that points the way to the heavenly kingdom has arisen for us! Let us follow it like the Magi and greet the Lord who has come into the world with our gifts: strong faith; a life of good works; love and compassion for our neighbours.

I congratulate you, dear Vladykas, fathers, brothers and sisters with the Feast of the Nativity of Christ and pray that these days would fill your hearts and the hearts of those who are close to you with the abundant and radiant joy of Christmas. Let us convey this joy to our relatives, to our friends and to all those who stand in need of a kind word of support and encouragement.

Christ is Born - Glorify Him! Christ comes from heaven - let us go to meet Him! Christ is on earth - let us exalt Him! Sing unto the Lord all the earth!

May the blessing of the Saviour Who is born be with all of you!

With love in Christ, 


Metropolitan of Korsun and Western Europe
Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe