« The memory of Metropolitan Anthony was prayerfully observed in London »
On 4th August, the memory of Metropolitan Anthony, who departed to the Lord ten years ago, was prayerfully observed at the London Cathedral.
The Divine Liurgy was celebrated by Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, Archbishop Anatoly of Kerch, suffragan bishop of the Diocese of Sourozh, Archpriest Pavel Svetkov, Rector of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Geneva (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) and clergy of the Cathedral. The sermon of Metropolitan Anthony that was read by Vladyka Elisey had a special resonance on that day.
After the Liturgy and a short prayer fro the departed, there was a memorial meal prepared by the efforts of parishioners at which those who took part shared memories of their spiritual father. A new book, the publication of which was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary, was presented. It is a collection of short articles by various authors entitled ‘On Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh’.
Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh noted in his address that Vladyka Anthony’s relationships with people were marked by a dimension of depth opening onto eternity that was founded on his special gift of prayer. Vladyka called on the faithful of the Diocese of Sourozh faithfully to observe the precepts of the deeply respected founder of the diocese.
The chief editor of the new book, Archpriest Mikhail Dudko, traced the thread running through and uniting the collected material as the feeling of coming into contact with the heights of the spirit, that is, with holiness.
Archbishop Anatoly of Kerch, suffragan bishop of the Diocese of Sourozh and a close collaborator of Metropolitan Anthony, remembered his first meetings with him, his simplicity and openness in relationships, the many meetings and talks with people that he conducted. Vladyka particularly noted the Metropolitan’s fatherly attention to and respect for the people who worked with him.
Archpriest Maxim Nikolsky remembered Vladyka as a man of the Gospel and as a man of the Church. By his own example, he called all the parishioners to carry the light of Christ to the world and to be an image of God.
Archpriest Pavel Svetkov spoke of his meetings with Vladyka, about how Vladyka foresaw the reunion of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Church outside Russia long before it happened and how by openness and love he erased the boundaries of human divisions.
Archpriest Joseph Skinner noted the special character of Metropolitan Anthony’s deep church consciousness. For him the whole life of the Christian, both within the walls of the church and beyond them, should constitute one single service to the Church of Christ.
The recollections of all those gathered were marked by the feeling of the grace-filled presence of the departed elder and father and of the unique importance of his words and teachings.
After toe memorial meal the faithful gathered in Brompton cemetery at the grave of Metropolitan Anthony of blessed memory, where Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh led the celebration of a panikhida.