« New Year Moleben and Children's Party at the Cathedral »

On Saturday 31st January, after the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh led the traditional New Year Moleben and greeted the congregation:
"May the journey of our life always lead us to Christ, and open to us new and profound truths, and then we will know the true desire of our hearts. This heart's desire, perhaps hidden from our darkened mind, is none other than a thirst for God.
"Let us seek God in the coming year and throughout all our lives. Let us meet everything that comes to us, both sorrows and joys, with a pure heart. May God's will be done in all things!
"Our daily life, the time allotted to each of us on earth is precious because it gives us precious glimpses of eternal life, the light of God's existence.
"Let us pray with all our heart to the Lord our God this New Year's Eve, having received the blessings set before us, to carry our cross, whatever we will meet on our journey through the coming year, that even in this world we may know the joy of eternal life and find true happiness in it."
After the service in the Cathedral hall a party was held for the youngest members of the parish - the junior students of the parish school and the Firefly Nursery. Archbishop Elisey opened the party by greeting children and parents and wishing them a Happy New Year:
"I wish you all a Happy New Year! Let the spiritual sun shine in your souls, so that in the new year you may all grow a little better, a little older, a little more beautiful in your inner life. May beauty live in your hearts and souls. May the New Year bring us more joy and love. Treat one another, your brothers and sisters, your parents and friends with love, coming from a good heart. It is important that we have all learned to pray. In the praying heart, kindness flourishes.
Happy New Year to you, dear children, and parents! "
A puppet show was staged for the children. Then the children read poems and sang songs, which they had learned in the church school. Finally they received gifts from Father Christmas and the Snow Maiden.