
« Memorial Evening on the 95th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Anthony »

On Friday 19th June,.on the 95th birthday of the ever memorable Metropolitan Anthony, a panikhida was served at the London Cathedral of the Dormition. 
After the panikhida, the Cathedral’s clergy and parishioners met with Irina Kirillova, who personally knew Vladyka Antony. She talked vividly and movingly about the early years of Metropolitan Anthony’s life, his deep love of Russia, his spiritual quest for the faith, about the influence exerted on Vladyka by different people whom he met during his life, about the development of Vladyka’s personality, his activity as a Head of the Diocese of Sourozh, and his missionary activity in the British Isles.
With the blessing of Bishop Elisey, such meetings will continue in the future. The memories of the Diocese of Sourozh first parishioners will help to maintain and develop the diocesan traditions.