« Patriarchal condolences on the repose of Archbishop Anatoly (Kuznetsov) »

To the relatives and spiritual children of His Grace Archbishop Anatoly (Kuznetsov).
Dear brothers and sisters!
I received with sorrow the news of the repose of Archbishop Anatoly (Kuznetsov), the oldest bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The deceased lived a long and eventful life. Almost 70 years ago, he accepted holy orders and began his service to the King of glory, which is great and terrible even for the heavenly powers (prayer of the Cherubic song). Many years of his life were associated with teaching in Moscow theological schools, which were so dear to him and where he enjoyed the love and respect of students, who saw in him an example of a zealous worker of God’s field and a real good shepherd, faithful to the Church of Christ.
After a while, the Lord vouchsafed him to become the successor of the apostles. The late archpastor headed the Vilno and Ufa dioceses, he was representative of the Patriarch of Moscow to the Patriarch of Antioch and the whole East. In every place of his ministry, Vladyka Anatoly sought to run with endurance the race that was set before him, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:1-2).
For many years, the departed carried out obedience in the Sourozh diocese, where until his old age he took care of the creation of the Orthodox community in Manchester.
May the Chief of Life give the heavenly inheritance (canon of the 2nd tone on Saturday morning) to the newly departed Archbishop Anatoly, may he rest his soul with the saints and create for him eternal and blessed memory.
With condolences,