« His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh took part in the Bishops' Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church »

His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, temporary Administrator of the Patriarchal parishes in the USA and Canada, took part in the work of the Bishops' Conference.
The Conference of Bishops was convened in accordance with the decision taken by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on December 29 (journal No. 121): “For a fraternal discussion of current issues of church life, to convene a Bishops’ Conference on July 19, 2023, consisting of all diocesan and vicar bishops of dioceses in Russia - without fail, as well as bishops of dioceses in other countries - depending on the possibility to come to Moscow".
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia delivered the main report. After the report of His Holiness, a discussion took place.
Then His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary presented a report on the preparation of the document “On the Distortion of the Orthodox Teaching About the Church in the Acts of the Hierarchy of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Speeches of its Representatives” by the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission. The hierarchs then held an open discussion about the document.
Abbess Ksenia (Chernega), head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Legal Department, then presented a report on changes in secular legislation.
Metropolitan Dionisy of the Voskresenk, Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate, made a presentation on the final document of the Conference.
After the discussion, the Resolution of the Bishops' Conference was adopted.
As noted in the resolution, "The Bishops Conference regrets to state that among the instruments of the political forces hostile to Orthodoxy is the leaders of the Patriarchate of Constantinople blinded by the thirst for satisfying private interests and ambitions. Having considered the Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission’s conclusion “On the distortion of the Orthodox doctrine on the Church in the deeds of the Patriarchate of Constantinople hierarchy and statements of its representatives”, the Bishops Conference expresses its agreement with this document’s conclusion and submit it to the Holy Synod".