« The annual parish meeting was held at the Dormition Cathedral in London »

At the meeting, reports were heard from the Rector of the church, Bishop Matthew, acting churchwarden E.N. Poplavskaya and assistant treasurer A.F. Bardakov.
During the meeting, elections to the parish council and the audit commission of the Dormition Cathedral took place. By unanimous decision of the meeting, E.N. Poplavskaya was elected to the position of churchwarden for a 3-year term, and A.F. Bardakov was elected treasurer of the church. On behalf of the congregation, Vladyka Matthew expressed gratitude to A.V. Motlokhov, previous treasurer of the church, for many years of diligent work.
A new parish audit commission was unanimously elected, consisting of A.K. Selegenev (Chairman), M.Yu. Lastovsky and E.A. Sheppard.
The meeting has also approved the candidacies of representatives of the Dormition Cathedral, from among the laity, to the Diocesan Assembly of the Sourozh diocese. D.E. Tugarinov and E.Yu. Gudkova were unanimously elected.
Various current issues of the parish life of the church were also discussed at the meeting.