
« First Orthodox Liturgy celebrated in County Kerry, Republic of Ireland »

On Saturday, November 12, 2022, the first divine service was celebrated in Tralee, County Kerry. With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, the Divine Liturgy was officiated by Archpriest Mikhail Nasonov, Dean of the Diocesan District of the Republic of Ireland, assisted by Deacon Marek Dadela. Orthodox believers of Kerry and refugees from Ukraine living in this county prayed at the service.
It is planned to celebrate divine services in Tralee monthly. According to the website of the Deanery of the Diocesan District of the Republic of Ireland, the next Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on December 17 at 10.00. The address is: Church of Immaculate Conception, Rathass, Tralee V92DX62.