
« Children’s summer orthodox camp named after St. Seraphim of Sarov was held in the Sourozh Diocese »

The annual St Seraphim Youth Camp of the Diocese of Sourozh took place from 27th July - 7th August in the village of Malswick, Gloucestershire. About a hundred people participated in the event, including over seventy children aged from 8-17, together with youth leaders and helpers, including representatives from parishes and communities of our diocese throughout Great Britain. The camp is directed by Fr Stephen Platt and Matushka Anna Platt or the Parish of St Nicholas in Oxford. 

Although the coronavirus restrictions made it impossible for us to welcome guests from overseas as usual, we were delighted to include Orthodox children from communities of various other jurisdictions throughout the UK.

The children’s camps of the Sourozh Diocese were begun by Metropolitan Anthony, many decades ago, as part of his work to encourage the young people of of our church in their life of faith. To this day we continue his tradition of living as a community of faith - praying, learning and enjoying living together as one big family. Every day begins and ends with prayer, and includes time for lessons and discussions about the Orthodox faith. Each day also includes opportunities for games, sports, arts and crafts, music and other creative activities, as well as free tiParticipants live under canvas, in tents, though we are fortunate to have buildings that provide space for our church, meals and wet weather activities.

Our programme began the blessing of the camp, together with all the tents and their occupants. A number of days featured special events, including a whole-camp hiking day (the ‘Big Walk’), swimming trips, a safari theme day, a talent contest, two camp fire evenings, a barbecue, a disco and a last night firework display.

The highlight of the camp was, of course, the celebration of the Feast of St Seraphim of Sarov, our patron saint, on Sunday August 1st. We were delighted that His Grace, Bishop Matthew was able to visit and preside at the Divine Liturgy for the feast. Following the Liturgy and a festive brunch, Vladyka toured the campsite and talked with the campers, before presiding over the opening ceremony of our ‘Camp Olympics’ - including lighting the Olympic flame. The children were delighted as one of Vladyka’s subdeacons, Vadim Polishchuk, who is a championship kickboxer (Free Style Full Contact), gave an interactive demonstration of kickboxing skills. In the evening, we held our traditional Camp Feast, a formal banquet with musical performances in honour of St Seraphim.

The coronavirus pandemic presented a number of special challenges to the organisation of this year’s event, not least the need for special protocols and regular testing of everyone on site. Nevertheless, our camp was a time of tremendous blessing, and a wonderful opportunity for our children and young people to be together as a church family after so many months of isolation. We are already looking forward to next year! 

Archpriest Stephen Platt

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