
« Address of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh to the clergy and laity of the Sourozh Diocese »

Dear Fathers Rectors, clerics and parishioners of the Sourozh diocese!

On July 19, 2021, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lifted most of the restrictions previously imposed in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection.

Based on this decision, the parishes of the Sourozh diocese located on the territory of Great Britain can return to the usual order of organizing their parish life.  The wearing of masks and social distancing are no longer required, however these security measures may be the personal choice of clergy and parishioners.  Parishes can also uphold some of the restrictions imposed earlier, at the discretion of the Rectors and parish meetings.

Drawing attention to the danger of the continuation of the spread of the infection and the associated risks to health and life, I call on all the faithful children of the Sourozh diocese to continue your intense prayer to end the epidemic and to comply with all the recommendations and orders of the authorities aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus.


Bishop of Sourozh