
« Clergy and laity of the Diocese of Sourozh heartily congratulate the Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe, Metropolitan Anthony of Korsun and Western Europe, with his Name's Day! »

On August 16, the Holy Church celebrates the memory of the Monk Anthony the Roman, of Novgorod, miracle worker (1147).  On this day, the Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe, Metropolitan Anthony of Korsun and Western Europe, celebrates his Name's Day.
The clergy and laity of the Sourozh diocese wholeheartedly congratulate His Eminence with his Angel Day!
In connection with the festive event, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh sent a congratulatory letter to Vladyka Exarch.
Your Eminence, dear Vladyka Anthony!
Please accept my warmest and heartfelt congratulations on your Name's Day and wishes for good health, peace of mind and unceasing joy in the Lord.
Through the prayers of the Most Pure Virgin Mary and the intercession of your Heavenly Patron, may the All-Blessed Lord strengthen you in your arduous archpastoral ministry for many and good years!
With love in the Lord,
Bishop of Sourozh