
« Address of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh to parishioners of the Dormition Cathedral in the city of London and all faithful of the Diocese of Sourozh »

Dear brothers and sisters!

On this joyful and touching feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, I cordially congratulate all of you on the occasion of the now celebrated solemn event, which is the eve of the Week of Passion, and I am sending to all of you my sincere wishes of spiritual joy, peace of mind and good health in this difficult time.
We are approaching the most important days of the church year, for which we have been preparing during the Great Lent, - the Holy Week and the Holy Paskha - Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead!
To our great regret, this year we will not be able to spend these days together at church services. Following the order of March 23, 2020 by the UK Government, a difficult decision was made, as part of emergency measures to combat the epidemic of coronavirus, to suspend divine services and visits by parishioners of the Dormition Cathedral in London - the main church of the Diocese of Sourozh of the Russian Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom and  Republic of Ireland.
Now, in order to prevent the spread of infection and provide assistance to the country's medical services that are heroically fighting the epidemic, we are forced to pray only privately at our homes.  In these difficult days of testing our faith and our civic consciousness, the Dormition Cathedral, our common home, which generations of believers supported with their care, decorated it with love, participated in and witnessed the Sacraments of the Church of Christ, is, more than ever, in need of our common good and all-possible help.
The church has always lived on the donations from its faithful children, and today, when we cannot participate in divine services, the Cathedral is in dire need of paying salaries to our clergy and church personnel, paying utility bills and maintaining the church systems in working order, making necessary repairs, paying insurance  contributions and much, much more.
May each of you, in anticipation of the resumption of our services, find a feasible opportunity to support the Cathedral financially, “for God loves a willing giver” (2 Cor 9: 7).
All donations will be accepted with great appreciation and our prayer for you.

Bishop of Sourozh

Bank details:

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IBAN: GB71LOYD30946502561894