
« 65th anniversary of Archpriest Joseph Skinner »

May 16, 2020 marks the 65th anniversary of Archpriest Joseph Skinner, Dean of the Diocesan District of South-West England, Rector of the parishes of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Romford and of St. Silouan of Athos at Southampton, cleric of the Dormition Cathedral in London, of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Portsmouth and of the Diocesan community of St. Cedd of Lastingham in Southgate, Secretary of the Diocesan Council of the Sourozh Diocese, Head of the Departments for Inter-Orthodox Relations and for the Media Realtions and Publishing of the Sourozh Diocese, Secretary of the Liturgical Commission of the Sourozh Diocese, Chairman of the Committee for the Organization of the Annual Conference of the Sourozh Diocese.
Father Joseph enjoys great popularity and respect among the clergy and believers of the Diocese of Sourozh due to his fiery pastoral ministry to the Church of Christ and to the people of God.
His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh sent a congratulatory greeting to Father Joseph.
On behalf of the Diocese of Sourozh' clergy and a large flock, we heartily congratulate Father Joseph on his 65th birthday, we wish him health, spiritual and physical strength, as well as God's help in all good undertakings.
May the Lord save his clergyman for many long years!