
« Pilgrimage to the venerated copy of the Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands" took place in Birmingham »

On February 22, 2020, parishioners of the Church of St.Aidan and St.Chad (Nottingham), headed by Archpriest Gregory Butler,  Rector of the church, and a group of parishioners from the Diocesan District of the North of England and Wales, together with Priest Anatoly Vikhrov, made a pilgrimage trip to the parish of All Saints who shone in the land of Britain  and to the parish of St. Prince Lazarus in Birmingham.
The Divine Liturgy in the parish of All British Saints was headed by the Rector of the parish, Honorary Dean Archpriest Mikhail Gogolev.  Father Mikhail was assisted by Archpriest Gregory Butler, Priest Anatoly Vikhrov, Deacon Sergei Sokolovsky and Deacon Neil Lyubchenko.  After the Liturgy, clergy and parishioners were able to communicate, sharing a common meal.
In the church of St. Prince Lazarus, pilgrims were warmly welcomed by the Rector of the church, Archpriest Nenad Popovich.  In the summer of 2019, a copy of the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Three Hands, the glorification of which dates back to the times of iconoclasm in the VIII century, was brought to the Serbian parish from the Mount Athos.  Father Nenad told the pilgrims about the history and decoration of the church, informed them about wonderful facts of healing and help from the copy of the icon.  After talking with Fr. Nenad, clergy, pilgrims and numerous parishioners served a moleben in front of the image of the Most Holy Mother of God.