« The miraculous Icon of the Kursk-Root of the Mother of God was brought to the Stavropegic Intercession Church in the city of Manchester »
On April 14, 2019, after the Divine Liturgy, the miraculous image of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God was brought to the Stavropegic Patriarchal Intercession Church of the City of Manchester.
The main holy icon of the Russian diaspora was met by His Grace Matthew, Bishop of Sourozh, Priest Dimitry Nedostupenko, Secretary of the Sourozh Diocese, Dean of the Diocesan District of the North England and Wales, and clerics of the Deanery.
After the arrival of the miraculous image, a moleben with akathist to the Most Holy Mother of God was served, after which numerous parishioners and pilgrims from various cities of Northern England were able to venerate the holy icon.