
« Representatives of the Diocese of Sourozh made a pilgrimage to the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bari, Italy »

On December 17-19, 2019, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, a group of pilgrims from the UK, headed by Priest Dimitry Nedostupenko, Secretary of the Sourozh Diocese, visited the Italian city of Bari.
On December 18, pilgrims made a trip to the relics of the Holy Martyrs, Wonderworkers and Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian of Rome. On this day, the church in the city of Bitonto, where the relics of Saints Cosmas and Damian rest, housed many believers from different parts of Russia as well as from near and distant abroad.  Bishop Sergiy of Vyazma and Gagarin headed a moleben at the relics of the Saints; after the moleben, all those present were able to venerate the relics.  After that, a city tour took place, during which pilgrims got acquainted with the main attractions of Bitonto.
On the evening of the same day, pilgrims from the Diocese of Sourozh were present at the All-night Vigil served in the upper church of St. Nicholas Patriarchal metochion by Metropolitan Isidore of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh, Bishop Seraphim of Istra, Bishop Sergiy of Vyazma and Gagarin and Bishop Meletiy of Roslavl and Desnogorsk.
On December 19, on the day of memory of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra and Lycia, the Wonderworker, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas’ Basilica in the city of Bari.  Metropolitan Hilarion was co-served by Metropolitan Isidor of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh, Head of the delegation of the Moscow Patriarchate at the festivities, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs Bishop Seraphim of Istra, Bishop Sergiy of Vyazma and Gagarin, Bishop Meletiy of Roslavl and Desnogorsk, clergy of St. Nicholas Patriarchal metochion, as well as clerics from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Georgia, Poland, Italy, Germany, France and Great Britain.
During the Liturgy, at the Augmented litany, petitions were raised for the unity of the Orthodox Church and the preservation of the Church from divisions and schisms; after the Augmented litany, Metropolitan Hilarion prayed for peace in Ukraine.
Liturgical chants were sung by the Bishop's choir of the Smolensk diocese under direction of Choirmaster Olga Novikova.
At the end of the service, Metropolitan Hilarion thanked Padre Giovanni Distante, Rector of St. Nicholas Basilica, for his warm reception.  In his welcome address,  priest Giovanni Distante emphasized that the veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a common treasure for believers in Eastern and Western Churches.  In memory of the festive Liturgy, the Rector of the Basilica presented to the serving Bishops vessels with the holy Mirrh from the tomb of the Saint.  After the service, a moleben was served in the crypt of the Basilica, after whic Bishops, clergy and lay people were able to kiss the plate covering the tombe with the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
The early Divine Liturgy in the crypt of the Basilica was celebrated by Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk, and co-celebrated by Metropolitan Ferapont of Kostroma and Nerekhta, Bishop Lazarus of Narva and Prichudsk, and many clerics-pilgrims.
After the festive service, pilgrims took part in a solemn reception at La Siraguza villa.