
« On the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St.Peter and St.Paul Church in Dublin »

On November 10, 2019, on the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, commemoration of St. Dimitry, Metropolitan of Rostov, and Venerable Job, Hegumen of Pochaev, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the stavropegic Patriarchal St.Peter and St.Paul Metochion in Dublin, Republic of Ireland.
His Grace was assisted by Archpriest Michail Nasonov, Rector of St.Peter and St.Paul Metochion, Dean of the Diocesan District of the Republic of Ireland, Priest Dimitry Nedostupenko, Secretary of the Sourozh Diocese, clerics of the Irish Deanery of the Sourozh Diocese.
During the service, a special prayer was offered for peace in Ukraine and for the unity of the Orthodox Church.
The counselor-ambassador of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ireland, A.G. Timofeev, was praying at the hurch.
Liturgical chants were sung by the church choir under the direction of T.V. Butkovskaya.
After the prayer before the ambon, the Archpastor and the cocelebrating clergy venerated St. Job of Pochaev.
At the end of the service, Vladyka Matthew presented the Patriarchal awards - medals "In memory of the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church" to Archpriest Mikhail Nasonov, Rector of the Church, Deacon Sergey Starovoitov and Choirmaster Tamara Butkovskaya for their work to the benefit of the Church of Christ.
The rector of the church, Father Michail, addressed the Bishop with a welcoming speech, especially thanking Vladyka for his visit and the opportunity to worship and pray together with his Archpastor.  Vladyka Matthew thanked Father Michail for his kind words and addressed the clergy and parishioners with words of preaching and spiritual edification.
In the evening of the same day, His Grace Bishop Matthew and his assistants returned back to London.