« Bishop Matthew is appointed Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Sourozh »

By the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of 28th December, 2018, His Grace Bishop Matthew (Andreev) is appointed Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Sourozh.
The Holy Synod expressed gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Elisey for his labours in building up church life in the Diocese of Sourozh and gave him a new position of service as Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of The Hague and the Netherlands of the Russian Orthodox Church.
MINUTE No. 116
The communication of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia concerning the appointment of bishops abroad.
1. Bishop Tikhon of Podolsk is relieved of the position of Administrator of the Dioceses of Vienna and Austria and Budapest and Hungary and is appointed Administrator of the Diocese of Berlin and Gemany, retaining for the time being the title of Podolsk.
2. Bishop Anthony of Zvenigorod is appointed Administrator of the Dioceses of Vienna and Austria and Budapest and Hungary, with the title of 'Vienna and Budapest', retaining the position of Director of the Department for Church Institutions Abroad of the Moscow Patriarchate.
3. Archbishop Simon of Brussels and Belgium is relieved of the duties of Administrator of the Diocese of The Hague and the Netherlands, and is thanked for his many years of service in caring for the parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in the Netherlands.
4. Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh is appointed Archbishop of The Hague and the Netherlands, and is relieved of the oversight of the Diocese of Sourozh, with gratitude for the work which he has carried out there.
5. Bishop Matthew of Bogorodsk is appointed Bishop of Sourozh, and is relieved of his duties as Administrator of the parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Italy.
6. Bishop Anthony of Vienna and Budapest is appointed Temporary Administrator of the parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Italy.