
« A pilgrimage to the city of York  »

A pilgrimage to the city of York took place on the 28th of October 2015 with the blessing of Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh. The trip was made by children of the parish school of the Dormition Cathedral.

This city is linked with the names of Ss Constantine and Helen, Equals-to-the Apostles. It was the very place where St Constantin became emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire. He was the one who stopped the persecutions of Christians.

After a tour around York Cathedral Archpriest Dimitry Karpenko held a prayer service to Ss Constantine and Helen, Equals-to-the-Apostles in one of the Cathedral's chapels.

The parish of Ss Constantine and Helen of the Diocese of Sourozh holds services every first Saturday of the month in the Church of St. Mary. The pilgrims were warmly welcomed there by Svetlana, the warden of the parish. She spoke about history of this ancient church and displayed icons of Sts Constantine and Helen. A magnification was sung before the icons. In memory of the visit to the parish Svetlana presented little angel-toys, which she had personally made, to the children.