
« Timetable of Easter services at the Cathedral »

Great Saturday   19th April

The services are celebrated in the small church

The small church is open from 9:00 till 22:00

9:15     Confession (in the library)

10:00   Hours. Vespers. Liturgy

  At Easter night and morning the services will be celebrated in the square in front of the Cathedral.

  22:00   Reading of the Acts of the Holy Apostles in the square.

 Glorious Resurrection of Christ   20th April

 00:00   Easter Procession,  Easter Matins, Divine Liturgy in the square.

10:00   Late Divine Liturgy in the square.

 Small church opens at 15.00

 18:00   Easter Vespers in the small church.

  The mystery of Confession will not be held during the Easter service. Those who confessed during the Great lent are blessed to take the Holy Communion. On Great Saturday 19th April, the Confession will be held in the library from 9:15 during the Liturgy and then in the course of the day in the small temple till 22:00.

      Blessing of the kulichs will be on Great Saturday

19th April - during the day, from 13:00 till 23:00, 
and also after the Easter Liturgy at about 3:00.

The kulichs may be bought at the Cathedral from 11th April.