
His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated Matins with the reading of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On the evening of April 14, 2021, on the eve of Thursday of the 5th week of Great Lent, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated Matins of the Thursday of the Great Canon with the reading of the Great Canon of Penitence of St. Andrew of Crete ("Mary's Standing") at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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The Diocese of Sourozh Mourns the Death of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

The clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Sourozh share the sadness of the people of the United Kingdom as well as those of the countries of the Commonwealth and beyond who are mourning the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh has written to Her Majesty The Queen and to His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales to offer condolences on their loss and to assure them of our prayers for the Royal Family, especially during this time.

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Announcement about Divine Liturgies at the Dormition Cathedral in April and May 2021

Dear brothers and sisters!
With the blessing of the Rector of the Dormition Cathedral in London, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, we would like to inform you about the following:

- Registration for Saturday and Sunday Liturgy as well as for separate services of the Holy Week in April and for Easter services on May 1-3 have been completed.

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On the 4th Sunday of the Great Lent, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On April 11, 2021, on the 4th Sunday of the Great Lent, the day of commemoration of Venerable John of the Ladder, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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On parental Saturday, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh prayed at the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On April 10, 2021, on Saturday of the 4th week of the Great Lent, week of the the Holy Cross, commemoration of the departed, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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Condolences of His Grace Bishop Matthew on the passing away of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

His Grece Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, Interim Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA and Canada, expressed his condolences on the passing away of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

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Condolences of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on the passing away of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia expressed his condolences on the passing away of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

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On the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On April 7, 2021, on the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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On the eve of the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated an all-night vigil at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On April 6, 2021, on the eve of the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated an all-night vigil at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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Priest Nikolay Evseev: "If the Cross is a weapon of death, how can it be power for those who are being saved?"

“The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1:18) 

If the Cross is a weapon of death, how can it be power for those who are being saved? In other words, how can death be salutary? If one does not believe in eternal life, then this question is not worth asking.

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On the Cross Veneration Sunday, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On April 4, 2021, on the 3rd Sunday of the Great Lent, Veneration of the Cross, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at the Dormition Cathedral in London. 

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On May 7, 2021, a Liturgy will be celebrated at the Dormition Cathedral for parishioners who are at moderate risk and those over 70 years old

With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, on Friday of the Holy Week, May 7, 2021, a separate Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at the Dormition Cathedral in London for parishioners who, according to state rules, are in the group of moderate risk and those over 70 years of age. 

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On the eve of the Cross veneration Sunday, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated an all-night vigil at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On April 3, 2021, on the eve of the 3rd Sunday of the Great Lent, Veneration of the Holy Cross, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh served an all-night vigil with the rite of carrying out the Holy and Life-giving Cross of the Lord at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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On parental Saturday a Liturgy was celebrated at the Dormition Cathedral in London for parishioners aged 70+ and those in the moderate risk group

On April 3, 2021, on parental Saturday, memory of St. Seraphim of Vyritsa (1949), the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Dormition Cathedral in London, for parishioners over 70 years old and those included in the moderate risk group.
The divine service was celebrated by Priest Dimitry Nedostupenko, Secretary of the Sourozh diocese, assisted by Protodeacon Vadim Santsevitch.

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The choir of the Dormition Cathedral in London won the Grand Prix of the "Christmas Carol" competition

The XXII Moscow International Competition for the Best Performance of Sacred Music "Christmas Carol" summed up the results of the festival.  A joyful event was the victory of the choir of the Dormition Cathedral in London under the direction of D.E. Tugarinov, which performed in the Youth Mixed Amateur Choir nomination.  The choir won the Grand Prix, having received the highest points from all members of the jury - honored artists, choirmasters and teachers.

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On the 2nd Sunday of the Great Lent, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh prayed and communed the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On March 28, 2021, on the 2nd Sunday of the Great Lent, memory of St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonika, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh prayed and took communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ during the Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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On parental Saturday, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On March 27, 2021, on the feast of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God and Venerable Benedict of Nursia (543), commemoration of the departed, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh held a working meeting with the Head of the Diocesan Social Department

On March 25, 2021, His Grace Vladyka Matthew met with Subdeacon Anthony Zakharov, Head of the Church Charity and Social Ministry Department of the Diocese of Sourozh.

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A meeting of the church clergy took place at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On March 25, 2021, a meeting of the church clergy was held at the Dormition Cathedral in London, chaired by the Rector of the cathedral, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh.

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On the feast day of the 40 Martyrs of Sebastia, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at the Dormition Cathedral in London

On March 22, 2021, on Monday of the second week of the Great Lent, the day of commemoration of the 40 martyrs, who were tormented in the Lake of Sebastiya, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at the Dormition Cathedral in London.

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