
« "Sourozh" journal re-launched »

After a break in publication, caused by organisational and financial difficulties, a new issue of “Sourozh”, the 104th, has been published. This journal was created under the spiritual guidance of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, and was published by the diocese for many years.

A small editorial team, headed by Archpriest Mikhail Dudko, was given the task of creating a new, modern-looking version, which would help to attract English-speaking readers to Orthodoxy.

The new issue, in contrast with previous ones, was printed in full colour, whilst keeping the sub-title “A Journal of Orthodox Life and Thought”.

On the pages of the revived “Sourozh” the reader will find a detailed history of the Orthodox Church in London, which covers several hundreds years, an interview with the new diocesan bishop, Bishop Elisey, and an article about the recent Local Council and Patriarchal election written by an English participant. The main theme of the issue was icons and icon-painting. Topics covered in the issue included: what English people think about iconography, what mission wonder-working icons carry out nowadays, and how to paint a modern icon.

Also in this issue, those who are interested can read about the life of the priest Pavel Florensky, the distinguished Orthodox scientist and theologian. The article is illustrated with unique pictures from his family archives and a museum dedicated to him. At the end of the issue there is an article from the opposite part of the world – China – where the words of Russian Orthodox hymnography are once again being heard.

It is envisaged that the magazine will be published twice a year in English.