
« A call to believe in God placed on London buses »

A counter campaign against the British atheist "bus adverts" was launched in front of the Diocesan Cathedral. The posters with the slogan "There IS God, Believe! Don't worry and enjoy life!" appeared on the London buses together with an image of the domes of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. The first such bus departed en route to the streets of London in the presence of Bishop Elisey, clergy of the Cathedral of Dormition and All Saints, representatives of other Churches, the sponsors of the campaign, representatives of the Russian community, parishioners and media.

The campaign was organised by Mr. Alexander Korobko, the Director of the TV channel "Russian Hour" and was blessed by Bishop Elisey. It is intended as a response to the posters that appeared on London Transport, sponsored by the British Humanist Association. In January the slogan "There is probably no God, now stop worrying and enjoy your life" was advertised on some 800 London buses.

Vladyka Elisey appealed to the English public to be careful with atheistic slogans. "We remember very well the times when atheism in the Soviet Union was compulsory, when anti-God ideology was imposed on people and led to the repression and deaths of thousands of clergymen and laity".

"It is much easier for believers to enjoy life in the most difficult circumstances", - added Bishop Elisey. He explained that it was his suggestion to include the word "Believe!" in the slogan.

Twenty-five buses with the call to believe in God will be running in London over the next few weeks.